embodied counseling for women


Counseling + Coaching

for Midlife

craving clarity and connection?

Kristen Brickl, Intuitive Counselor in Boulder, CO


Ready to live beyond who you’ve been taught to be? Are you a chronic people pleaser? Is over-functioning and anxiety your norm? Falling short when you try to make a change? Stuck in soul sucking manage-and-maintain patterns?

Do you avoid that knowing voice stirring deep inside? Have you felt chronically bored, distant, and irritated with your partner, or in your marriage? Sex is meh. Your left craving deeper, more dynamic connections.

Do you wish you didn’t get triggered so quickly? The blessings and the burdens of parenthood weigh on you?

Do you question how you got to be so serious? Where did your pleasure and fun go?

You’re supposed to be in the “prime” of your life, and yet feel like an imposter?

Are you questioning who you are now that you’re single in the world again? You can’t recall when you had consistently good sleep? Do you unwind by zoning out on your phone, or drinking a bit too much?

Everything we say and do says something about us. I see you.

I am Kristen Brickl, a Licensed Professional Counselor and Midlife Coach in Boulder, Colorado serving people locally and across the country by Zoom. Identifying as a change maker, thought leader, and wildly passionate about the process of refinement. I support women in mid-life by teaching them how to revolutionize their relationship to themselves and become soulful architects of their lives. Close the gap on mediocrity with consistent micro moments of change that light you up.

Let's create the life you desire

So many people are sleepwalking through life with overly activated nervous systems. This incessant and emotionally corrosive holding pattern I call “manage and maintain” is rampant in middle life because of all of the roles we’ve learned to play in attempting to make a meaningful life, or the life we thought we wanted. The brain memorizes emotional habits and thought patterns over time to “automate” life, unfortunately leaving us feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. Your inner operating system is outmoded and not designed for who you are now called to become.

Kristen Brickl, Spirit Mind Coach, Boulder, CO

invest in your future self

The moment you believe you can’t, you must. Does it feel like you can no longer deny your pleasure, joy, and freedom in all areas of your life? Schedule a FREE 30 minute discovery call with me. I will call you!

Kristen Brickl, Intuitive Business Coach, Boulder CO

the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself

You cannot be committed to your bullshit and your growth at the same time. The most aligned expression of yourself awaits in the work you’re avoiding doing. The only option is to breakdown, or breakthrough.

go From managing and maintaining, to creating your best life

Counseling and coaching for midlife walks you through revolutionizing outmoded life patterns, identifying blind spots, and strategizing an inspiring way forward. Understand your limiting beliefs. Learn to adapt effectively and efficiently to create lasting, joyful change.

step-by-step Empowered and inspired action

Intuitive Counseling and Business Coaching in Boulder, CO

There is nothing more complex and irritating on the planet than another human being! We are all difficult and high maintenance at times, but getting bogged down in this cycle just keeps us separate from our purest expression of aliveness.

Nothing can change your willingness to change your life except you. Are you ready?


Follow Me for morsels of insight

Your spirit senses the world that awaits you and it is calling you to live beyond who you were taught to be.
— John O'Donahue